Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SEAC and the Tar Sands: this Friday

SEAC will be traveling to DC this Friday to participate in a rally outside the final State Department public hearing on the Keystone XL pipeline. We'll be leaving at approximately 9:00; the rally is from 12-1; after, you can either travel home for Fall Break, or return with us to campus. (Read more here.). If you want to come, or simply want more information, let us know ASAP at smcmseac@gmail.com.

Organizers of the rally are also in need of people to hold places in line for anti-pipeline speakers. At previous hearings across the midwest, oil companies paid people to arrive hours early and stand in line to make sure the hearing was dominated by pro-Tar Sands voices. We don't want this to happen again! A car of SMCM students will be heading up to DC either very late Thursday night or very early Friday morning. Again, let us know if you are interested.

After the Tar Sands rally, several SEAC members are also planning on going just a few blocks(!) to stand in solidarity with Occupy DC, a part of the movement that began with Occupy Wall Street just a few weeks ago, and the related but separate October2011 occupation - so this is also an option!

Otherwise, come to the SEAC meeting (tonight at 8:30 in Goodpaster 117) to plan for more upcoming events (the Tar Sands action on November 6, the potential SEAC retreat on November 12, and Campus Sustainability week) and talk further about why we care about this.

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